Research Design Methods of Data Collection (Part - 6)
Research Design : Methods of Data Collection (Part – 6)
101. Statement (A) page, the transfer of a moral rule person is a sense of his right and wrong.
Reason (R) SPSS Pneumatics and Numerals occur.
102. Statement (A) Determining the nature and purpose of the report is the way of writing the report.
Reason (R) is the level of the process of writing and designing the report.
103. Statement (A) is the attached source behind the reference bibliographic report.
Reason (R) The author’s name falls under the reference book.
104. Statement (A) is the procedure for converting qualitative facts into qualitative facts.
Reason (R) Editing means inspection of collected base material and correction of mistakes.
105. Statement (A) SPSS is used for research work.
Reason (R) Ethical rules are accepted by the entire community, but the community does not agree.
Dec 2014
106. Helps reduce deficiencies (decrease) in sampling – increase in sample size
107. Lottery method is used in sample selection for the purpose of – randomization
June 2015
108. Major advantage of structural observation as compared to survey-research – it helps the researcher to have a direct overview of the behavior of individuals.
109. “Science is for life, life is not for science” This statement emphasizes the importance of whom. – Research work
110. A method which is a systematic and detailed study method of a community, organization, group, etc., so that a social problem can be analyzed and diagnostic recommendations can be presented. What is known as – survey method
111. The example is – overall in which the sample is selected that the list of all the units
Dec 2015
112. “A fact is not just a random observation, but an empirical statement about the phenomenon. Whose statement is it – William J. Gude and Paul K. Hut
Aug 2016
113. Reasonable statement in the formulation of a questionnaire
114. With regard to data collection method
115. What should be a good title of a research report / research article?
Jan 2017
116. Summary part of the research report includes
117. Which method is used by the Commission and Committees constituted by the Government for investigation work – Personal Interview
118. Concerning the merits of the interview method of data compilation.
Nov 2017
119. In which sampling inaccuracy is absent – Census Survey
120. Regarding the process of editing data
Jul 2018
121. Regarding quality in interview method
122. According to Losely Kish is the basic problem of sample structure?
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