Research Methodology Social Science Research (Part - 2)
21. What does the study of the sub-concept depend on – clarity of the sub-concept
22. What is the hypothesis – the opening of the secret
23. The subculture belongs to? – Scientific method
• Hypothesis or sub-concept is also known by the name of pre-concept etc. It is a scientific belief that study begins with hypothesis and concludes with a hypothesis.
• At the various stages of the scientific method, hypothesis comes first.
24. The nature of subconcept is – Common causes of two variables
• A hypothesis or hypothesis connotes a common cause and possible relationship of two or more variables.
25. The type of subconcept is – zero subconception
26. Statistical hypothesis is based on – Mathematics
27. What should be the hallmark of a good concept – relationship in prior theory
• The main features of a good hypothesis, the basis of the success of the research, often depends on the construction of the hypothesis.
(i) Clarity (ii) Specificity (iii) Relation in prior principles (iv) Possibility of available techniques (v) Relation to root problem (vi) Survey probable (vii) Briefness (viii) Simplicity (ix) Useful under guidance
28. According to George J, how does the hypothesis help the investigator? – Understanding the problem and clarifying the facts
Research Methodology: – Social Science Research
29. About the concept – It is mandatory to prove the concepts in scientific study
30. The objective of the sub-concept is – Helpful in compiling the contacts.
• The researcher makes the hypothesis sensitive, so that he is aware of the need to compile unnecessary situations and problems.
31. On the basis of which can you verify and revise the concept? – Based on facts
32. Hypothesis has limitations – limited nature of fact collection
• Key limitations of the hypothesis
(i) It is not right to believe too much on the concept
(ii) Focus of the studyer’s reputation point
(iii) limited nature of fact collection
(iv) Collection of facts based on the hypothesis is more likely for individual parties.
33. The first stage of the method of scientific research is – Observation
34. Experimentation is part of which method? – Scientist
• According to Karlinger, experimental research is the highest scientific research system.
35. In which method mathematics and model are used – Scientist
36. Social science research means – the way of studying human life
37. Social science is related in research – group and culture studies
38. How is social science research used in practical ways? – two
• Operational research – Research in relation to administrative problems is called operational research.
• Functional Research – Planned efforts taking into account the characteristics of a community that affect many aspects of community life are called functional research.
39. What is called research in relation to administrative problems – operational research
40. Functional research implies – influencing aspects of community life
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