Research Design Methods of Data Collection (Part - 2)
21. Which method of collecting data requires educated respondents – Questionnaire
22. What is the technique in which the researcher or the enumerator answers and fills the information sheet? – Questionnaire
23. What types of facts can be collected by questionnaire – Primary facts
24. Responsibility to fill the question – indicator
25. Interview means – exchange of ideas.
26. Which method can be used in the study of reserved people – Interview, Schedule, Overview
27. Structured interviewing used in types of studies – Quantitative research
28. If you have to compile in relation to a tribal group in a remote area, then what method will you use – Interview
29. Importance of Interview – Compilation of information to all levels of people
30. Involves the process of interviewing – sympathetic information
31. What is the final stage of research work – Report
32. Direction method is
33. The main basis of paradigm is – uniformity
34. Social survey related institution in India is
35. Measurement means – numerical expression
36. Face scale means – qualitative for differentiation into two or more categories.
37. If a college has to study about the monthly salary of 3000 students, then what method will be called if some of them collect information by sorting 200 students by not studying every student of the college? – illustration method
38. “A house is built with stones, in the same way science is built with principles.” – Henry Pienaker
39. The process of analyzing facts is called – editing
40. What is SPSS – Computer Software
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